About Council Meetings
Council meetings are conducted according to the framework and guidelines set down by the Local Government Act 1995 and are attended by the Shire President, the Deputy Shire President, Councillors of the Shire of Shark Bay, the Chief Executive Officer, Managers, administration staff, members of the media, interested ratepayers/electors and community members.
Meeting Place and Time
Shire of Shark Bay Council meetings are held at 1pm on the last Wednesday of every month except December when it is on the third Tuesday. There are no meetings held in January. Meetings are held at the Council Chambers, Shark Bay Recreation Centre, Francis Street, Denham or as advertised.
Dates and Times for the Ordinary Council Meetings for 2025
January 2025
No ordinary meeting of council to be held;
February 2025
Wednesday 26 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
March 2025
Wednesday 26 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
April 2025
Wednesday 30 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
May 2025
Wednesday 28 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
June 2025
Wednesday 25 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
July 2025
Wednesday 30 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
August 2025
Wednesday 27 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
September 2025
Wednesday 24 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
October 2025
Wednesday 29 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
November 2025
Wednesday 26 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber; and
December 2025
Wednesday 17 Commencing at 1:00pm in council chamber;
A Council Meeting Agenda will be available at the Shire Office and on the Shire's website from the Monday prior to the respective meeting.
Unconfirmed Minutes of the Council Meeting will be available at the Shire Office and on the Shire's Website within 10 working days after the Council Meeting.
At the beginning of each meeting, public question time is held.
The public are encouraged to submit their questions in writing at least 30 hours prior to the meeting to allow time for research and the provision of a more detailed answer.
Questions should be marked for the attention of the Chief Executive Officer and sent to admin@sharkbay.wa.gov.au, mailed to PO Box 126, Denham WA 6537 or hand delivered to the Shire Office at 65 Knight Terrace, Denham WA 6537
The Chairperson will be responsible for the conduct of public question time and will ensure that each person wishing to ask a question is given a fair and equal opportunity to do so. Questions should relate to the business of the Council and should not be a statement of personal opinion. Members of the public are not permitted to interrupt or enter into any conversation during the meeting unless requested to by the Chairperson.
Mobile Telephones
Please ensure all mobile telephones are switched off prior to entering the Council Chamber.