The Shark Bay Public Library is located at the Shire office (65 Knight Tce, Denham) and is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
All community members can join the Shark Bay Library. If you are 16 years or younger, a parent or guardian signature is required.
Library membership is FREE for Shark Bay Residents and WA Public Library Members
- The maximum items allowed to be borrowed for each member is 6 (Visitors = 4 items)
- The maximum items allowed to be borrowed by a family is 10
- The loan period is three weeks
- Items can be renewed by telephoning the Library on 08 9948 1218
Visitors who are not a member of a WA Public Library are welcome to join the Library - a $50.00 bond applies which is refunded on the return of all items.
To join, please complete the Library Form and bring in to the Shire office with your required ID.
Required ID for Shark Bay Residents:
- Photo ID such as a driver's licence showing proof of your current residential address. If your address is not current on your ID, you may provide a utilities account, rates account or rental agreement as proof or residency.
- Secondary ID such as a Medicare card, bank card or concession card.
Required ID for visitors from other WA Public Libraries:
- Photo ID such as a driver’s licence showing proof of your current residential address in WA.
- WA Public Library Membership Card (home library).
Required ID for Interstate and International Visitors ($50 bond applies):
- Photo ID such as Passport or Driver's Licence.
- Second contact person not living at same address, located anywhere within Australia
What is available at the Library?
- Fiction and non-fiction books
- Junior and young adult collections
- Audio-books
- DVDs including movies and TV series
- Large print books
- Reference material
- Shark Bay - books, articles and reference items
New items arrive each month so if you haven't been in recently, come see what's new in your Library.
Access eBooks and eAudiobooks for FREE with your library membership.
Library members have access to a vast collection of fiction and nonfiction eBooks and eAudiobooks, magazines and movies.

Browse and borrow bestselling eAudiobooks and eBooks via the BorrowBox app on your device.
Click here to learn more about how to use BorrowBox.
To use Borrowbox, please click here
Kanopy is a video Streaming platform delivering one of the largest collections of indie films, classic cinema, festival and educational documentaries, and movies online or through the app.
To login to Kanopy, please click here
For help with Kanopy, please click here
Kanopy Kids highlights films and TV series that help children develop empathy, mindfulness, and self-esteem through entertaining and educational videos. Kanopy Kids is appropriate for children ages 2 and up, with a focus on Kids age 2-8. Parents can also choose to implement parental controls to enable them to stay within the dedicated Kanopy Kids area for age-appropriate content.
To access Kanopy Kids, first login to your Kanopy account then click on the "KIDS" button in the top right of the page.
Have questions about Kanopy Kids? Check out the FAQ available here.
eMagazines for download - Popular, current and back issues.
Login using your Library Card number and the Shark Bay Post Code: 6537.
To use Overdrive, please click here
For Children - watch celebrated stories read aloud by favourite storytellers. It's storytime, anytime!
Click here to visit the StoryBox Library website
To login, select Shark Bay Public Library and enter your Shark Bay Library Card number.
StoryBox Library also offers a wealth of online resources including student task sheets, activities and Top 5 lists.
Fun, educational games for kids (Aged 3-11 years). Help children learn important skills in the key learning areas of creative development, problem solving, reasoning, numeracy, communication, language and literacy and knowledge and understanding of the world.
Click here to access the Busy Things website
To login, enter your Shark Bay Library Card number.
For teachers and parents, click here to view additional resources
Busy Things subscription service has been provided through the Better Beginning program supporting families in sharing a love of reading.