Fire Safety Pastoral Response

Fire Safety Pastoral Response

Burning Permits

For further information please refer to the Fire Notice and Requirements

Important dates:

  • Burning Permits Required - 1 October to 14 December inclusive (each year)
  • Burning Prohibited - 15 December to 31 March inclusive (each year)
  • Burning Permits Required - 1 April to 30 April inclusive (each year)

How to Obtain Permits

Burning permits can be obtained from the Shark Bay Shire Office, Town Fire Brigade Captain and Chief Bush Fire Control Officer. See telephone numbers in the Fire Notice above. When applying for a permit you will be required to provide house and lot numbers and street/road of the property for which the permit is to apply.

When to Obtain Permits

Permits are required for any time between 1 October and 30 April inclusive (Burning Prohibited 15 December to 31 March inclusive)

Hints for Burning

  1. Do not light fires on a hot windy day.
  2. Do not try to burn more than you can control.
  4. Make sure smoke and sparks will not affect neighbours washing or open windows.
  5. Do not burn wet or green garden clippings, tyres, plastics and chemicals as they are likely to cause dense, acrid smoke and cause inconvenience to neighbours.
  6. Do not burn bottles, aerosol cans, etc as they are likely to explode.
  7. Cut or rake long grass around trees, buildings and fences before burning.
  8. Burn against the wind.
  9. On sloping block, burn from the top down.
  10. Have a hose or spray pack to dampen down fierce fires.

Burning is Prohibited on Very High or Extreme Fire Danger Days

Composting of garden refuse is a preferred option to burning and is a more environmentally friendly alternative.

Advice is Available

Further advice on how to protect your home, and when and how to burn off, is available from your Shire Council or your local town Fire Brigade or Bush Fire Control Officer. If you have any questions contact them.

The safety of the whole community is at stake.

Denham Volunteer Fire and Rescue welcome people who are prepared to join in and assist in fire prevention and fire fighting. For further information please contact Denham Volunteer Fire and Rescue Ring (08) 9948 3289 or email 

More Information

Fire Danger Ratings and Emergency Warnings - Emergency WA website.

Total Fire Bans -

What is prohibited during a Total Fire Ban - Department of Fire and Emergency Services website

For information on Burning Permits and to view the Shire's Fire Notice - please click here