Food Safety
Food Surveillance
This area involves routine auditing of any premise (from cafes, restaurants to market stalls and public functions) where foods are prepared and or made for sale to the public. These food premises must meet the requirements of the Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations and the Shires Health Local Laws.
Food sampling is routinely conducted to ensure that all manufactured foods comply with prescribed food standards. All food premises including food vehicles are licensed annually by our Environmental Health Officer. All enquiries regarding food safety can be made to the Environmental Health Officer via email at
Food Safety Training
The Shire of Shark Bay is pleased to provide you with FREE and unlimited access to an exciting new product that will assist you and your food handlers in gaining valuable skills and knowledge in food safety and hygiene which will help to ensure only safe and suitable food is produced at your food business.
This program is presented in an interactive, easy to follow, and entertaining format and includes the ability for the user to print off an acknowledgement form and a certificate upon completion of the program that can be kept as a part of your staff records.
This training program will assist food business managers in ensuring all staff are trained in this important area and thereby reducing any risk of food borne illness resulting from poor food handling practices.
It is recommended that all food handlers within your food business take part in this training. This is a great opportunity to provide all your staff with training that would otherwise cost your business money and a great deal more in time.

More Information About Training